Bear with me a little bit, I'm going to try to keep all this straight. My share tonight is Christmas With Arthur Godfrey And All The Little Godfreys. Problem is, that's not just a single album. First I had the one shown above. I've had it for years but it was all scratched up and wouldn't play. Then I found another one that I could play and I recorded it. Then while searching for The McGuire Sisters Christmas LP, a search came back with this LP. Well, not exactly this LP. Look close at the LP cover shown below, and you'll seed that there is an extra Christmas ornament on the wreath, and sure enough, who's in that ornament but the McGuire Sisters! So I tracked down another copy of the LP, and there are the McGuire girls performing Frosty The Snowman. Reading up a little on Mr. Godfrey, I see that he wasn't the easiest guy in the world to get along with, so maybe he got in a tif with the McGuires, and removed their song from his album. So, what you're going to download is my original rip of the McGuire-less LP, with an added track in there of just the McGuire Sisters song. So you'll see that there are two track 7's. Now, did you follow all that? But what about the green cover down at the bottom of this post? Well, that's a 3x7" EP version of the album that I was recording just for kicks to see if I could get cleaner copies. (I didn't get cleaner copies. In fact, some of the songs from the EP have skips in them. I throw them in there just so you can see they are actually shorter, I don't expect you to actually listen to them.) It turns out that the EP version has edited versions of several songs. And you though collecting Beatle records was complicated! Just for the search engines, the other artists on these albums include Julius La Rosa, Janette Davis, Frank Parker, Marion Marlowe, The Mariners, Lu Ann Simms and Haleloke Kajauolopua.

So here are your download links: Christmas With Arthur Godfrey And All The Little Godfreys (Columbia 12" LP, CL 540, 1953) or Christmas With Arthur Godfrey And All The Little Godfreys (Columbia 3x 7" 45 RPM EP, B-348, 1953). And just to confuse matters more, I spotted the EP set in a little box today (mine is a multi-sleeve envelope type format), as well as three different single 45s. Did I mention that after all that, the music on here is surprisingly good. No wonder this guy was on TV for so long.

Stand by for more, much less complicated, Arthur Godfrey!
Update: This one is out on CD now, although it's a little hard to tell. There's a collection on the Jasmine label that includes all the songs from this LP, plus all the songs from the McGuire Sisters Christmas LP. Not sure how they got stuck on there, but who am I to question how such things work. You can order this from Amazon via this link.