Somedays it's a wonder I ever get to where I am going. On my way home from work tonight, not only did I spot the bald eagles I mentioned before, and a couple of glossy ibis (which I have yet to successfully photograph), I also saw a family of sandhill cranes. And as it's not too often you see the babies, especially this young, I just had to stop and shoot. The pictures aren't the best, since it was actually drizzling just a bit as I was shooting, but I think you'll get the idea.

This is as close as I was able to get to the babies. I didn't want to interfere with the little family, so I never got any closer than about 20 ft. I tried to stay in front of them and let them walk past me as I shot. It didn't work out that well, but it was the best I could do in a hurry. And I was on the lawn of a nursing home, so I didn't want to draw too much attention to myself.

This was the best photo I got of the whole family of four. See the raindrops in the pond? I told you it was drizzling...

Last, but not least, I caught Mommy shaking the rain from her feathers. You might think she's rearing up to try and scare away a predator or a pesky photographer, but I assure you that is not the case. When they want to scare something away, they come straight at it. Those big beaks can be formidable weapons, and their legs aren't too shabby, either. Perhaps you can't tell from the pictures, but these birds are between 3 and 4 feet tall! (I said this is the mommy, but I really don't know. The babies stayed close to both adults, and neither adult seemed to be leading the other one. I think male and females are pretty similar in appearance. Time to do some research.)

Uh-oh! I've been spotted!