I promised more of these RCA Victor taglines, so how's about a lucky eleven? This first one is "Band Music" from Marching With The Coldstream Guards (RCA Victor LSP-1684, 1959).

More fun from the big island with "A Hula Party" from The Mauna Loa Islanders-Music Of The Islands (RCA Victor LSP-2061, 1959). There's a beautiful girl on the cover of this one, but she's holding a shell the size of her head and I'm waiting for a giant hermit crab to reach out of it and clamp onto her lovely ear.

Here's the first of a one-two punch from Henri Rene And His Orchestra. This first one states "Man, It Swings!" from the LP Riot In Rhythm (RCA Victor LSP-2002, 1959).

The second tag from Henri Rene (which looks like it predates the other one based on the catalog number) is Compulsion To Swing (RCA Victor LPM-1947, 1959), and it says "Band With A Beat". Two albums in one year? These days it takes some bands two or three years to crank out another CD. (I previously brought you a doodle from the back of this LP, but I'm sure you already knew that.)

Here's one that's pretty popular in some circles. I thought I was pretty lucky to stumble onto this copy, even though it's mono. "For Woofers & Tweeters" is from Esquivel-Exploring New Sounds In Hi-Fi (RCA Victor LPM-1978, 1959). This one has a nice doodle on the backside that I should share with you all someday.

If you want to be touched by an angel, be sure you go out and find any of the classic LPs by Della Reese. This one states "Della With Brass" and is from the self titled LP Della (RCA Victor LPM-2157, 1960). I wonder if she suspected she'd have a second career on TV 40 years later?

From the pre-angel Della above to the full-gospel Blackwood Brothers-Beautiful Isle Of Somewhere (RCA Victor LSP-2248, 1960). I don't know where The Beautiful Isle of Somewhere is, but the Blackwood Brothers advertise it as "The Eternal Paradise".

This one may be the oddest in the bunch. Piano Roll Discoveries (RCA Victor LSP-2058, 1959) is a various artists record featuring performances captured on piano rolls years earlier. Slightly spooky, if you ask me. Somehow I doubt that these were "Original Performances In Stereo".

Everybody knows that Chet Atkins is Mr. Guitar, but "Romantic Guitar"? Well, that's why this LP was titled The Other Chet Atkins (RCA Victor LPM-2175, 1960). It's stuff that you might not normally have expected from RCA's Man In Nashville.

Here's another two-fer for you. This first one is Frankie Carle-The Golden Touch (RCA Victor LPM-2139, 1960), and it claims to be filled with "Piano Pearls"

The second selection from Frankie Carle & His Rhythm actually predates the first, and is only the second of these tagged LPs that I've found from 1958. The tag "Music For Dancing" comes from 37 Favorites For Dancing (RCA Victor LPM-1868, 1958).