I mentioned way back near the beginning of the season that I had a pile of these Spanish-language Christmas records to share out, and I've given you a few of them here and there throughout the season, but today is going to be the big blowout. You'll be a fluent Spanish speaker by the time I get done today, or at least you'll know all the Christmas-related words. I'm beginning here with a record I believe was issued in the US but was licensed from their division in Columbia. The notes on the back mention a teaching post in Mexico and there's a sketch of the Christ The Redeemer statue in Brazil. Given all that, I'm not entirely sure where this music is from. But I'm sure you'll enjoy it anyway. This is
Pina Alvarez Y Sus Coros-
Cantata De Navidad (Columbia EX 5017, Mono). As with all my records, but today especially since I don't speak the language here, if you know anything else about these records, please chime in down in the comment section. I'd love to know more about this music.
1. Noche Buena (Canción)
2. Venid Oh Ninitos (Canción)
3. Callen, Callen (Canción)
4. En El Portal De Belen (Villancico)
5. Las Posadas (Canción Mexicana)
6. Fum, Fum, Fum (Villancico)
7. Ha Brotada Una Rosa (Canción)
8. Alegria Al Mundo (Canción)
9. En Navidad (Canción)
10. Duerme No Llores (Canción Mexicana)
11. Soy Un Pobre Pastorcito (Villancico)
12. Alegria, Alegria (Villancico)
13. Adornemos Nuestras Casas (Canción)
14. Aleluya (Canción)