Wednesday, December 27, 2023

En Español-Volumen Tres

This next record takes us to Costa Rica, or at least that's where the record is from. Not sure if that's where the group of young singers on the record is from. Spending a little time on Discogs, I see where many of these Spanish language records were released in many different Spanish speaking countries over the years. I guess there is a big demand for records in the native language, and the major record companies only want to provide content in English because that's the big market. Share that it works that way, but corporations are all about the bottom line. But we're equal opportunity offenders around here, we'll share anything that says Christmas on it! This is Las Voces Blancas-Un Regalo De Las Voces Blancas (CBS (Costa Rica) 100.272, Stereo, 1975).

1. Llegó Navidad
2. La Virgen Bajó A Lavar
3. Pastores Venid
4. Dime Niño de Quién Eres
5. Mi Villancico
6. La Virgen Es Panadera
7. Arbolito
8. Noche de Paz
9. Arre Burriquito
10. De Contento
11. Catatumba
12. Canta, Ríe, Bebe



  1. Ernie, you are truly amazing. Bill from Illinois here. I don't know how you find the time to collect, generate, and share your treasurers but I think I can speak for all of your followers, we appreciate your time and dedication to making our Spirit of Christmas brighter with each song. Have a Happy New Year!

    1. Finding time is easy, I just have to start this coming Monday and work all year at it. :) Thanks for the note!


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