Friday, December 29, 2023

Organ Donor, Part 1

Today's theme is Christmas music from the organ. I've got all sorts of generic organ music for you today, records that could have been performed by just about anybody, and probably were. There's no telling who was behind the keyboard on these releases, though I've got one big name that does turn up. This first record is credited only to Happy Organ, but a close reading of the credits reveals that there were two organists involved and one of them was blog-favorite Bob Kames. I don't think any of his solo organ records are currently available to be downloaded around here, they're pretty old shares, but I hope to get some of them remastered for you next year. In the meantime, this LP is going to be your best bet. This is Happy Organ-All-Time Christmas Favorites (Sunnywale/GRT 9330-303, Stereo, 1976).

1. Silent Night
2. O Christmas Tree
3. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
4. The First Noel
5. O Little Town Of Bethlehem
6. Christmas Island
7. Let It Snow
8. White Christmas
9. Jingle Bells
10. It Came Upon A Midnight Clear
11. Silver Bells
12. Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer



  1. Happy Organ to you, too, Ernie!

  2. Ernie, since no chimes today, thought I'd ask you (via a comment to Lee), about a certain album, so here ya go.
    My personal favorite, of these type (organ and chimes) albums, is one my Pawpaw had and I got somewhere else later, simply entitled, An Organ And Chimes Christmas. I don't even know who did it or anything, but I do remember my Pawpaw's copy of it being in stereo, with a glossy cover (maybe a later issue) and the one I got later, is monaural (always thought that was monoral, but apparently, not). My copy also had a rougher cover and I believe the vinyl was thicker and in worse shape. Anyway, I remember it had Joy To The World in C, as it's first cut and Ol' Lang Syne in G as the last cut on the album. They employed a few other instruments with the organ and chimes on a few cuts, some kinds of bells on Jingle Bells (with accordion), a celeste (is that's how it's spelled, you know, the music box instrument) on It Came Upon The Midnight Clear and the accordion again on OLS and the celeste again, (I believe) on JTTW. The organ was full and the chimes pretty perfect IMHO, but that is from my memory, don't know where my copy is at present.
    Here's what Lee had to say about it.
    I wonder what LP that was (your father's and yours)? It may have been a Waldorf Music Hall LP, or possibly on Promenade.
    Thanks and Happy New Year (a little early), praying for y'all.

    Romans 11:33-36 KJB


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    1. Could be any one of dozens of albums. You're going to have to be a lot more specific! Sorry. :(

  3. I was mistaken! I remastered most of the Bob Kames back in 2018 and forgot about it. Here are some links.


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