This is the old post office on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington DC. I didn't pay too much attention to it on my previous trips to DC, I just thought it was yet another clock tower in yet another old building. Well, it turns out I as wrong. This is the third highest point in DC, and it's open to the public. So naturally, I had to check it out.

How tall is the tower? Not sure. Ah, Wikipedia to the rescue. The tower is 315 tall, and the observation deck is at 270 feet.

It takes a lot of foundation to support a tower this tall. I don't know if the base was exposed like this back in the day, but nowadays it makes for a nice backdrop to the central court of the shops that inhabit the central core of the building.

And that central area has a nice glass roof, so you can see the tower that towers above you.

Sure enough, the observation deck atop the clock tower offers views of DC that are only rivaled by those from the top of the Washington Monument, plus there was no line to get to the top of this tower. Unfortunately, they've blocked the view by stringing wire over the windows, or in some cases lexan panels, making photography difficult, so please imagine all those black lines aren't there. Looking Southwest, you can see the Washington Monument, as well as the Lincoln Memorial, and very small on the far away hill, Lee's house at Arlington.

Turning a bit South, you can get the Jefferson Memorial into the picture.

Looking East down Pennsylvania Avenue, you will no doubt recognize the US Capitol Building.

And looking North, there's really not much that you'd recognize. Notice how many of the rooftops of ordinary buildings are decked out with gardens and patios. Space is at a premium in downtown DC, and space with a view is especially valuable.

Continuing on around, now looking about Northwest, that's the National Cathedral way in the background. It's a long ways away, but still in the District.

And looking almost due west, that's Pennsylvania Avenue again, curving out of sight towards the left. The White House is in this picture, but it's tough to see. It's right behind the Treasury Building, which is between the last wire on the left and where the lexan starts. See it? Trust me, it's there.