From the inner sleeve to the Diamond Head Beachcombers LP below, here are some helpful hints from RCA Victor ("The Most Trusted Name In Sound") to give you "many years of trouble-free listening." Starting out above, you can see how to handle your records. You should palm them, like an NBA All-Star would plam a basketball, only without using your fingers. This is especially easy to do when picking the records up from your 6-disc changers that drops the records onto one another from a height of 4 inches.

Next, we see that we should keep the records in their sleeves. Thus they don't get any dust on them. This advice was rendered obsolete a few minutes later with the introduction of the miracle 317X! After that, it was OK to store your records in a chicken coop between plays.

This is still good advice. Always store your records near a water-filled vase. In the event of spillage, the water will help to remove the dust that accumulated if the above step was ignored.

After the water has spilled onto the records, use your socks to clean it off.

And lastly, keep an eye on that needle. It's very valuable, especially since it's larger than the diamond you gave your girlfriend for your engagement. Unless you opted for the cheap osmium needle. In that case, you may as well play this record on your old hand-cranked victrola.
Don't forget, you got some helpful record care tips before (twice)! And if you have eight questions about stereo, you'll find eight answers here. Also, you can Go Stereo here.