315 Bowery
I'm not a fashionable type person, so John Varvatos means nothing to me. But the address of this store in NYC, 315 Bowery, now that means a little something. This is the place that for many years was called CBGB's.
Cluttering up the Inter-web since 2005
I'm not a fashionable type person, so John Varvatos means nothing to me. But the address of this store in NYC, 315 Bowery, now that means a little something. This is the place that for many years was called CBGB's.
Posted by
9/16/2011 08:23:00 PM
So, the classic question, who's buried in Grant's Tomb? I'm still not sure. This is Grant's Tomb, located on the West side of Manhattan, pretty close to due West of the Apollo Theater that I just showed you, along Riverside Drive, near Columbia University. Unfortunately, it was closed while I was there, so I didn't get to see if President Ulysses S. Grant is actually buried there. I'm pretty sure he is, but I have no proof. This is not the first presidential grave I've visited, now that I think about it.
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9/16/2011 08:12:00 PM
The farthest North I went in Manhattan during my NY trip? 125th Street, Harlem, and the Apollo Theater. Didn't get a chance to go in it though, but there it is.
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9/16/2011 08:02:00 PM
NYC is a busy place, there's no doubt about that, but I couldn't seem to catch that on film (well, on memory card, but you get the idea). This was probably the closest I came to capturing the hustle and bustle of the city that never sleeps. The only thing that might have made this a better shot would be a blurry taxi zooming past in the foreground. I actually got that in a later shot on the next corner, but I didn't like the street scene so much in that one. This is looking north up Broadway as I approached Canal Street. I wish I had been able to geotag my photos, in a couple of years, I won't have any idea where some of these shots were taken. Love the way the Chrysler Building pokes it's spire up at the end of the street.
Posted by
9/14/2011 08:04:00 PM
Well, I made it back from NYC yesterday. I was so tired I went straight to bed and didn't even copy my pictures over to the computer. I must have walked thirty miles in three days and four nights, but it was all worth it. I saw some amazing things, shot a little over 4000 pictures and made it home in one piece. I've got some nasty blisters on my feet, though, but I'll heal. Stay tuned for more great pictures from all over the island of Manhattan! This is the view of lower Manhattan from the Staten Island Ferry as it approaches the terminal. Not a lot of stuff to point out here except for the new World Trade Center being built at Ground Zero, that's the building left of center with the crane on top. It's still got a long way to go but you can see it's already getting up there. The Staten Island Ferry docks at the short white building left of center at the waterline, and the green building next to that on the right is where the other, smaller ferries dock. The green trees mark Battery Park, and I think the low building at dead center is the Coast Guard Station.
Posted by
9/14/2011 07:53:00 PM