Quick! Without looking, what record label is this doodle from? How many of you guessed Command? Well, OK, most of you probably have no clue, but this is a very recognizable style in my opinion. It's a little more dense than their earlier covers but it's all still there. Anyhow, this is from Ashley Miller-Christmas Carols With Organ And Chimes (Command COM-K1 SD, 1963). I believe this was a special release for E.J. Korvette, whoever they are. It was not part of the regular series of records put out by Enoch Light over at Command. The only other Christmas related relase that I am aware of from Command is Merry Christmas From The Command Family Of Recording Stars (Command RS 920 SD, 1967), a various artists collection which appears to have come out after Enoch had sold the label to ABC.
This doodle is from the front of the LP, so there! It seems to have some initials on it, but you can't see them on the scan above. I think they are CM, but they are sort of stylized, so I'm not sure.