Friday, April 08, 2005

The Sky Is Falling

The universe nearly came to an end today as the sun was partially consumed. Either that, or the moon just happened to pass in front of the sun for a few minutes. Since I'm still here and writing this, we'll have to assume it was the latter. As you can see, it was only a partial eclipse for me. It didn't even get noticeably darker, and I doubt anyone would have noticed it if they weren't looking for it. I had to borrow a welder's lens from work to be able to block out enough light to shoot. It's pretty rare that there's too much light in any shooting situation. There's no discernable detail in either the sun, or the edge of the light/dark line. My camera is at full zoom (both optical and digital!) to capture this, and it still doesn't record very much data.

I'll have to post my pictures of the last lunar eclipse on here sometime. They are much more impressive, as you can actually pick out details on the lunar surface. They're fuzzy, but they're there.

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