Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Ernie Not On The Web

Well, this entry was supposed to point you to an online article about the Hillsborough Inlet Lighthouse for which I supplied the pictures, but as I search for it, I discover it's no longer available online. The photo above should give you an idea about it though. The lighthouse is on a Coast Guard base, and is rarely open to the public. Several times a year they arrange tours, and I was lucky enough to catch one of them. I had to drive over to the other coast the day before (it's a four hour drive), and stay in a hotel overnight. Next time I'll make reservations before I go... After joining the lighthouse association, I boarded a boat, and off we went. It was my first time seeing this lighthouse, and it's very interesting, but unfortunately, it's on a very developed stretch of coastline in Boca Raton. Getting a picture of just the lighthouse without a condo in the frame proved to be a little tough. After spending all morning there, I drove down to Key Biscayne and saw another lighthouse, then spent the evening shooting the Miami skyline until well after sunset. Then the long, long drive back home. It was a great trip, but the sky was overcast almost the whole time, so I didn't get the beautiful pictures I'd hoped for. The link I had hoped to share was for a Coast Guard publication with an article about the tour I took, written by the gentleman who was stationed at the top of the light for the tour. He had requested copies of my pictures after he saw how many photos I was taking, then asked to use them in his article. I've got a copy of the article somewhere, and maybe I'll share it here someday.

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