It's that time of year again. Here in Florida, the temperatures plunged into the 40's for a day and a half, and that must mean that Winter is near. And with Winter comes Christmas, and with Christmas come the requests. Here on the blog, for many, many years, I shared out Christmas music that I loved. Stuff that I had ripped from my collection of vinyl purchased over the years from many a thrift store, usually for $1 or less. Who knew that so many people would love the same music and enjoy it like I do. But times change, and so did I. When I met Jennifer, Christmas music seemed a lot less important than it had in the years before. Jennifer is still in my life, and a bigger part of it than ever, but I still miss the Christmas music. This time of year, the letters and requests come in almost daily. Everyone misses the shares, or just discovered the site, and they want to download this or that, or have me email it to them so that their holiday festivities will once again be whole, like they were when they were young. I wish I could fulfill all those requests, but there just aren't enough hours in the day. 95% of what I shared were junk records that time has nearly forgotten, trashed pieces of vinyl that don't sound very good even with all the TLC in the world. I often think that anyone with half an ounce of good intentions could go visit a couple thrift stores and do what I did, but I guess that's just not the case. But anyhow, I've digressed from my point. I'm going to try to share out a few old things this year. Nothing new, just a few things that I've gotten requests for, and maybe a few old favorites. Don't expect anything too regular. And if Zippyshare starts giving me issues, don't expect reposts! I'm a grumpy old man and don't put up with that mess. The first thing I wanted to get back out there is this dusty old record from way back in the day,
The Ray Charles Singers-
Winter Wonderland (MGM E3387, Mono, 1956). This was one of the
first things I ever ripped and shared, but this is a cleaner rip from
2012, I think.
1. Winter Wonderland
2. Button Up Your Overcoat
3. June In January
4. When Winter Comes
5. Snowfall
6. I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm
7. Winter & Theme For Indoor Sports
8. Moonlight In Vermont
9. Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
10. When Winter Comes A-Callin'
11. Jingle Bells
12. By The Fireside
And if that's not enough for you, here are Spring, Summer and Fall, too....
The Ray Charles Singers-
Spring Is Here (MGM E3162, Mono, 1956).
The Ray Charles Singers-
Summertime (MGM E3529, Mono, 1957).
The Ray Charles Singers-
Autumn Nocturne (MGM E3145, Mono, 1954).
And if you've managed to get this far, here's Ray's actual Christmas LP,
The Ray Charles Singers-
Here We Come A-Caroling (MGM E3467, Mono, 1956).