Friday, December 29, 2023

Organ Donor, Part 6

I'm betting you didn't think I could go all day with nothing but generic organ albums, but here we are. I've got this one more for you, then I'm done. I don't think there are any more organ records in the pile for this year. In fact, the pile is finally starting to grow thin. This might be the last day I push out six different shares for you. That's not too big a problem since the visitor count dropped like a rock once Christmas came and went. But I appreciate the few of you who are still hanging around, this is all for you. And for your listening pleasure, this is The Organ Orchestra-That Happy Christmas Feeling (RCA Camden CAL 542, Mono, 1959). I'm sure this one exists in Stereo, and I probably have a copy somewhere in my library, but all I could lay my hands on were about five copies in Mono. Oh well, I'll keep an eye out and maybe upgrade this next year.

1. Sleigh Ride
2. Greensleeves
3. Winter Wonderland
4. White Christmas
5. The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire)
6. That Christmas Feeling
7. Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer
8. I'll Be Home For Christmas
9. You're All I Want For Christmas
10. Jingle Bells



  1. So when you find a duplicate, do you then thin out the pile?

    1. I should, but I usually don't. One of these days...

  2. Hi Ernie,
    Visitor count...dropped like a rock...
    What a pity, :-(
    Their loss, our gain. You always share some gems after the offical date of Christmas has ended. Besides, in my flat, Christmas ends on January 6th.
    So, those of us sticking around, we still appreciate all your dedication as always.

    1. Yeah, we don't get the huge volume after Christmas, but the people who are left leave a lot more comments. :)

    2. That is so very strange. I am guessing the busy season is over, and more free time is now available.

    3. Some folks just have no interest at all in listening to Christmas music after Christmas.

    4. I usually try to listen to as much Christmas music as possible at least through the end of New Years Day. Then, if I am ambitious enough, I go back here and catch up on one that I didn't get to during the peak of the Christmas season.

    5. You're going to need a lot of ambition this year. :)

  3. This is one that I’ve wanted to listen to for years! Thank you!

  4. Five copies??!! I didn't even know this album existed until you posted this today. Thanks for sharing.

    1. That's because I've purchased all the copies. Can't have anyone else enjoying it now can I? ;)


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