Saturday, December 09, 2023

Tweed For Christmas

Here's the next in a long line of Christmas albums released by a family gospel group. It may be the sort of thing you never think you'll enjoy, but you don't know that until you listen. I can remember my dad wearing a blue suit that looked a lot like that back in the day, though I don't think his collars were quite that shape. Such was the style at the time. Sometimes the best Christmas music comes from records like this one. This is The Tweed Family Singers-Christmas With The Tweed Family Singers (No Label SW1072, Stereo) Enjoy!

1. A Christmas Antiphonal
2. Gesu Bambino
3. The Jesus Gift
4. The French Carol
5. Carol Of The Bells
6. Jolly Old St. Nicholas
7. The Christmas Song
8. I Saw Three Ships
9. Messiah (Excerpts): Come To Him; Hallelujah Chorus
10. West Indian Carol
11. O Holy Night
12. I Wonder As I Wander
13. Jingle Bells



  1. This is so great! You are blowing my mind - I think I've only heard of about 1% of what you've shared this year!

    1. Aww, I was hoping to get 100% new stuff. :( I'll have to try harder next year.

  2. When you think about it, Chrtstian/gospel music is really the only "true" genre of music, that is freely created by people who aren't exactly professionals/celebrities! (not complaining at all, here)

    1. Of course, Christian/Gospel has its celebrities, but it's just doesn't seem as much of a "requirement" as most other genres do.

    2. I suspect there are plenty of outsider artists out there, but they don't have any kind of distribution channels for their music. How would you ever find it and who would buy it? As a gospel artist, you've got places to perform, tours to take part in, a bit of a built-in audience to listen and buy your product. So it serves to level the playing field quite a bit. And there's not a process to winnow out the wheat from the chaff, at least not like mainstream artists. The gospel circuit will support you because you're trying. :) At least that's my take on the situation.

  3. Thanks for this- They have a decent sound, better than a lot of family gospel albums I've heard ( though their rendition of West Indian Carol was painful to get through!). The Tweed family was from San Diego, and the album was ~1977: The picture on the back of the album is from the 1976 Billy Graham Crusade in SD
    - Steve in PA

  4. Some really terrific numbers on here. What a pleasant surprise.

    1. Glad you gave it a chance and enjoyed it! And I wish more people would take a chance on some of the things around here. :)

  5. You know I love gospel records, so thanks for this. The group might be better named the Polyester Gospel Singers than Tweed, however. Those blue double-knits and white shoes were the big look back in the 70s.

    1. Perhaps they wore tweed earlier in their career. :)


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