Monday, December 04, 2023

Christmas In Venezuela

I recorded a lot of Christmas music from Latin American countries this year, and I'm not sure what to do with it. Sometimes there's something interesting on the records, but most of the time I find them hard to get into because I don't speak the language and the music doesn't sound like Christmas to me. I'm going to share a few of them out, but certainly not the whole stack. I'm putting this one up just because there's a pretty lady dressed in gold on the front. The cover image was so dark and muddy I wasn't sure where she was supposed to be until I lightened it up a little while processing the scan. I recorded it because I thought maybe Donde Esta San Nicholas was a version of Donde Esta Santa Claus, but no such luck. If anyone has a lot of interest in more of the records like this, please say something in the comments and I'll share some more out for you, but if not, they're going to be few and far between. This is Nancy Ramos-Que Felicidad...Esta Navidad! (Promus (Venezuela) LPPS-20275, Stereo). All the way from Venezuela, I just wish I could get more into it. Enjoy!

1. Que Felicidad
2. Aqui Estamos Otra Vez
3. La Matica
4. Si Tu Volvieras
5. Donde Esta San Nicolas
6. Que No Me Da La Gana
7. Llego Diciembre
8. A Cantar En Navidad
9. Las Mariposas
10. Esta Noche Es Noche Buena



  1. Unusual stuff floats my boat...

  2. I see the singer dyed her hair to match her outfit. I'm thinking of doing that myself. My own outfit, not hers.

    It's good that you lightened the cover, but I still can't figure out what she's doing. Looks like a bedpost, a creche and a water bucket. I must be missing something.

    1. I stopped worrying about it when I recognized the creche...

    2. Nancy is standing at the bottom of the stairs. And I think there's an old chest placed close to some sort of nativety scene. At least there's a big baby Jesus in a cradle made out of hay in the front (plus what looks like a barn, a few farmhouses and some farm animals, mostly pigs - in the background). Intriguing cover art. Look forward to listen to its musical content. I love discovering new, enjoyable Christmas songs in all kinds of languages. And I often think vintage South American/Latin arrangements is a good match for Christmas music.

    3. I don't think she expected people to be looking at the background on that cover...

      Hopefully you enjoy it, I'm afraid it didn't do a lot for me.

  3. Might be in the minority, but I love these records! Hearing each country 's traditional holiday tunes over the years makes me appreciate nuance that usually escapes me most days. Last year you shared some excellent music from Puerto Rico- a country whose artists tend to traditionally include Christmas songs on their regular non-Christmas studio LP's. Whether you share more or not, my music world has been enriched many times over by your world Christmas gifts! Thanks as always,
    - Steve in PA

    1. I agree for the most part, but I've started to notice that some of the LPs I see from Latin American countries are new music, not traditional stuff. Those may be the exception, but I found it quite a few times. I keep trying though. :)

  4. I listened to "Donde Esta San Nicholas"- very nice tune, and it seems is a Christmas folk song specific to Venezuela, seen on many Christmas albums from that country. Good stuff!
    -Steve in PA

    1. Maybe my hopes were so high for that track to be something else so that I couldn't enjoy what it was...

  5. "Oh hey! I found Baby Jesus downstairs!"

    1. You'll notice she's not climbing the stairs in those heels...


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