Sunday, December 10, 2023

The Ten Inchers Of Christmas-Part V

Keeping up the international theme here for just a short while, this one comes from France, I believe, though I came across it via Canada and their French-speaking province, Quebec. This is Les Petits Chanteurs De La Renaissance-Neuf Noëls Célèbres (Erato (France) 10" 33 RPM 2026, Mono). Yes, it's a 10" record, are you getting tired of me saying that? Don't know what ten is in French, but neuf is nine.

1. O Mon Sapin
2. La Nuit De Noël
3. Douce Nuit (Stille Nacht)
4. Le Messie Vient De Naitre
5. Adeste Fideles
6. Les Agnes Dans Nos Campagnes
7. La Nuit
8. Il Est Né Le Divin Enfant
9. Le Bel Ange Du Ciel



  1. Nope, not tired! I am enjoying these so much!

    1. Pace yourself, we've got a long way to go today.

  2. I am going to share a different record with that same artwork later in the season. For the record, it is "New Born Child" by Georges de la Tour (1593-1652).

    1. Really? You think it's part of a series or they're just recycling artwork?


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