Saturday, December 16, 2023

Cha Cha Cha

While we're singing Spanish Christmas songs, here's another set of them. I'm afraid I don't know much about this group or the release, and the music inside isn't something I can appreciate as much as I should, but perhaps it's something you'll enjoy. This is Los Diplomaticos-Unas Navidades Alegres (Kubaney MT-379, Stereo). Call me crazy, but I just can't help buying something featuring Cha Cha Cha de la Navidad!

1. Brisas Navideñas
2. De La Montaña Venimos
3. Somos Boricuas
4. Cha Cha Cha De La Navidad
5. Las Galleretas
6. Flores De Amistad
7. Cantares De Navidad-Un Año Que Viene y Otro Que Se Va
8. Llego La Navidad
9. Vamos A Gozar
10. Felicidades
11. Romance Campesino
12. La Mora-Cuando Ilegará Nochebuena



  1. Great album Ernie! It seems this group from Columbia was known for their easy- listening instrumentals, and the playing here is great background relaxing Christmas music. Nice contrast in musical styles for the classic "Cantares de Navidad", compared with your earlier share of "A Cantar en Navidad" from Nancy Ramos. Thanks!
    - Steve in PA

  2. I already know that I'm going to enjoy this one.

  3. I'm not passing up "Cha Cha Cha De La Navidad" -- sounds right up my alley!


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