Friday, December 09, 2022

Poems For Songs

Under the heading of things you probably don't want to hear, this is a small collection of song-poem Christmas records. I've probably shared out other song-poem stuff this season without realizing it, I'm certainly not an expert on the stuff. I'm only calling these song-poems because I recognize a couple of the songs from collections I've seen here and there. So someone may come along and correct me, but I think I've get them in the right category. For those who mercifully don't know about such things, song-poems are the records created by an unscrupulous record label who advertised for people to send in their poems to be set to music, which they then promised to promote to radio in hopes of creating the next hit record. Well, they didn't do any of that, they just recorded the songs really fast, pressed up a few copies and sent them to the sucker who paid a 'nominal' fee to cover costs. Don't say I didn't warn you if you give these a listen.

1. Shana Lynette-Mr Russian (Please Don't Shoot Down Santa's Sleigh)
2. Shana Lynette-Angel In The Snow
3. Shana Lynette-Getting Ready For Christmas
4. Shana Lynette-Hey Mister Santa Claus
5. Shawn Strasser-Hey Mister Santa Claus
6. Mark Strasser-Getting Ready For Christmas
7. Buddy Raye-Santa Man
8. Ralph London-What Is Christmas?
9. Ralph London-It's Christmas Time
10. Susie Daniels-Santa's Reindeer Ran Away



  1. You are incorrect. This is exactly the kind of thing I want to hear!

    1. You might not say that after you've listened... ;)

  2. Song Poem's have a long history, they even made the small screen on several occasions, probably the most noteable was in the 1990s series 'Shannon's Deal' where they bought in actual musicians to play various parts, David Crosby and Iggy Pop ended up playing the principles of a 'turn your words into a hit song' scam who wind up with a real hit on their hands, I'm still trying to track that episode down.

    1. Never heard of that series, but I'll have to look it up, sounds interesting. I love when they bring in music stars. There was an episode of some 80's cop show called Booker, where he had to find Lucille, BB King's stolen guitar. And they brought in BB King as a guest star. I think that's when I started noticing such stunt casting.


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