Monday, December 12, 2022

Elvis P.

In the bag today are a couple of tributes to the great Elvis Presley. There was a small cottage industry in Elvis tribute records back in the day. Some came out before he passed away, but the floodgates really opened up after his untimely death in 1977. These two are just some that I happened to have in the collection, so I lumped them together and am sharing them with you today. There are also a couple (1, 2) in the blog archives that you might be interested in if you're new to the blog. Have a listen, and let me know what you think.

1. Bob Luman-A Christmas Tribute-Stereo
2. Bob Luman-A Christmas Tribute-Mono
3. Chris Marshon-Bluest Christmas Ever



  1. Bluest Christmas Ever is... really something (i love it)

    1. People were really sad about it. Shame they didn't do something about it before he was gone. :(

  2. I dunno - these don't supplant the Singing Surgeon in my affections.

    1. Nothing will ever take the place of The Singing Surgeon!


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