Friday, December 01, 2023

Book Of Lists 2

Time for another one of my lists from Discogs, a seemingly random collection of records that actually have a theme. This time around the theme is Elvis, but there are no records by Elvis in the list. It's all Christmas records about The King, most of them coming out after his untimely passing lamenting his absence from the Christmas season. Some of them are good, some of them are not, but they can be something to hear. Good luck collecting them all! My favorite that I've shared is by a singing surgeon.

The List!


  1. I remember the singing surgeon!

    That "Marlene Paula" record is almost certainly by Marlene Ver Planck, who was a high class jazz singer whom I can't imagine recording "I Want to Spend Christmas with Elvis."

    As for the Diana Williams 45, I get Elvis and Bing, but who is Guy? Guy Lombardo? A tribute record for Guy Lombardo? (Which reminds me that I have a Guy Lombardo Christmas Seals record.)

    1. Yes, I believe it's Marlene Ver Planck as well. There's another Christmas record in her Discography that I've been after for a bit. And I think Elvis, Bing and Guy Lombardo all died that same year. That's what I read, but I didn't look it up.

  2. I remember 1977. It was a difficult year for me and when I heard about Bing and Guy dying, I thought we wouldn't have Christmas or New Year's that year. Elvis didn't matter as much.

    1. I was fairly young still. I remember hearing about Elvis, but I didn't know much about him. Don't remember Bing or Guy's passing.


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