Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Hi Ho Hi-Fi

I've shared out a lot of organ and chime records over the years, but this one has always stood out to me. Not because of the music I'm afraid, but because I like the cover and because it has the phrase Hi-Fi in the title. How can you go wrong with that? This was first shared in 2008 but I've remastered it and I'm bringing it back tonight. This is Hank Sylvern-Christmas In Hi-Fi: Organ Bells Chimes (ABC-Paramount ABC-146, Mono, 1956). Enjoy!

1. Joy To The World
2. Away In A Manger
3. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
4. The First Noël
5. Deck The Hall
6. O Little Town Of Bethlehem
7. It Came Upon The Midnight Clear
8. We Three Kings Of Orient Are
9. Jingle Bells
10. The Cherry Tree Carol
11. O Come, All Ye Faithful (Adeste Fideles)
12. Silent Night



  1. Yeah, I'm a sucker for stained glass covers. I think I spent too much time in church as a child.

    1. We saw some really impressive walls of stained glass in Milan this summer. Then we learned it was all fake because the originals leaked like crazy. Still pretty, and they have some of the originals in a museum next door. :)


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