Monday, November 27, 2023

Halfway Around The World 4

From France we head north to the Scandinavian countries, specifically Sweden, home of Volvo and the Svalbard Global Seed Vault. No, wait, that's in Norway, so just Volvo then. And actually Volvo is owned by the Chinese now, though it appears to still he headquartered in Sweden. I'm sure there are lots of great things in Sweden, but I've never been so I'm not too familiar with them. The music is nice, though, and that's why we're here. Have a listen to some of the great Christmas music from a land that's closer to the North Pole than you are. This is Christmas Singalong In Swedish (Shelley X-6, Stereo).

1. En Jungfru Fodde Ett Barn
2. Nu Ar Det Jul Igen
3. O, Du Saliga
4. Nar Juldagsmorgon Glimmar
5. Nu Stige Jublets Ton
6. Stilla Natt
7. Det Ar En Nos Utsprungen
8. Julmorgon
9. Nigarepolskan
10. Betlehemsstjarnan
11. Ritsch, Ratsch, Filibom
12. Var Halsad, Skona Morgonstund
13. Sankta Lucia
14. Staffansvisan



  1. That candelabra/headdress looks dangerous!

    1. Do not attempt this at home, for display purposes only!

  2. Great shares today Ernie! The candles- on-the-head tradition in Sweden comes from Saint Lucia Day, also in December!'s%20Day%20originated%20in,free%20and%20illuminate%20the%20way.

    1. Now that you mention it, I think I've heard of that before. Thanks for the informative link, though, and for the kind comment!


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