Saturday, November 26, 2022

All Day Saturday-Part 1

I once made a comment in jest that my readers were lucky I didn't post Christmas content every hour, on the hour. Well, today's the day I make that a reality. I'm trying to post up something new every hour today, we'll see how far I get. Post number one is a fairly unknown Christmas single by Danny & The Juniors. When you think of popular 60's music, you don't think of very many Christmas singles. I'm sure there are plenty and I just can't think of them right now, but it's certainly not the first thing that comes to your mind. So I was quite surprised when I learned of this single and wondered why I had never heard of it. So don't make the same mistake as me, download it right away and familiarize yourself with it. This is Danny And The Juniors-Candy Cane, Sugary Plum b/w O Holy Night (Swan 7" 45 RPM S-4064, Mono, 1960).



  1. Leave it to you to post things when I am asleep. Interesting item, though - never heard of it!


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