Wednesday, December 01, 2021

After Christmas 2020

I hope you've been enjoying the little flashback posts that link back to the current date during the past five years here at the blog. It's a nice way to draw some attention to the history of the blog, and some of the things that are still available to listen to. But this particular post is to draw your attention to all the stuff I share out after the big day on the 25th. Some people turn off the Christmas music that day and don't dig it out until the day after Thanksgiving the next year. I enjoy the music too much to do that, and it takes me a while to get tired of sharing it with you, so the posts continue for a long time afterwards. As I did for 2016, 2017, 2018 & 2019, here are links to all the shares that came out after the big day in 2020, all the way to the end. And what a season it was, I was sharing out Christmas music until February!

#35-Merry Christmas


#37-Scoop 3


#39-Ladies Sing Christmas 3

#40-White Wonderland

#41-Non-English Versions 2

#42-Auld Lang Syne

#43-Happy New Year

#44-Scoop The Fourth


#46-More Santa Songs

#47-Some Favorites

#48-Generic Christmas

#49-Scoop Number Five

#50-Little Bits

#51-Winter Sports

#52-Scoop Six

#53-Little Bits More

#54-Scoop Seven

#55-More Little Bits

#56-Scoop Number Eight

#57-Even More Little Bits

#58-The Ninth Scoop

#59-Yet More Little Bits

#60-Chanukah At Last

#61-Scoop Ten

#62-Hey Norton

#63-Little Bits Again

#64-Scoop Eleven

#65-Bonus Tracks

#66-The Dozenth Scoop

#67-Not Really Christmas

#68-Pieces Missing

#69-Lucky Scoop Thirteen

#70-Not Really Christmas 2

#71-Little Bits Continued

#72-Tchaikovsky Time

#73-Scoop Fourteen

#74-Another New Year

#75-Sacred & Folky

#76-Scoop Number Fifteen

#77-Winter Weather

#78-Not Really Christmas 3

#79-Scoop Sweet Sixteen

#80-The Last Little Bits

#81-Not At All Christmas

And I think that's it. Lots and lots of good stuff from the Great 78 Project over at The Internet Archive.


  1. This all is testimony to your indefatigable industriousness!

  2. I LOVED your Internet Archive project from last year so much, hope you do this again in a year or two! 😄


All comments are greatly appreciated, but replies aren't guaranteed...