Friday, December 21, 2018

To The Moon!

From ye olden day of 2012, here's a real gem that I was lucky to find.  It seems to be pretty hard to come by, and the reason for that may be that it didn't sell back in the day.  It's, umm, interesting to say the least. This is the sort of thing that show up on those Christmas collections that you get from your weird friend, but never listen to.  Well, I do, but you don't. Oh, wait, nevermind.  I just checked and this one is on Spotify.  Probably easier for people to listen to it that way.  This was Tim Dinkins-Christmas On The Moon With Tim Dinkins (Cartwheel LP-CW-112-A, Stereo, 1966). Now I have to hunt up something else to share with you.

1. Santa's Rocket
2. The Empty Chair
3. Two Little Stockings
4. I Won't Let You Lick My Candy Bar (by Susan Kay)
5. Just A Little Birdie In A Coo Coo Clock
6. Merry Christmas
7. The Wise Ole Owl (by 'Mystery Guest')
8. Ole Pop Reindeer
9. Christmas Message
10. Christmas Comes To Everyone
11. A Little Boy's Letter To Santa
12. Tinkle Toes

Well, there's another one that's on Spotify.  Go give it a listen over there.


  1. This is one of my all time favorite shares of yours. I've used a couple tracks on Christmas mixes over the years! Thanks for everything you do.

  2. From the look of the label, it's more like Christmas with Nellie Melvina Bond.

  3. Did you see the note about it being available on Spotify? No more share...

  4. This is no longer on spotify. You should go ahead and give this one an upload ;)

    1. I am Susan Kay's oldest sister, she was second from the youngest of six kids. My mother never knew she was on this label Christmas on the moon. She resently heared about it. Susan passed away in 2013. Does anyone know where her family can get a copy of this? On CD?

    2. It was on streaming for a while, but then disappeared. Not sure if it's ever returned, I haven't looked, but I don't feel comfortable sharing it out if someone owns the rights to it.


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