Monday, December 13, 2021

December 13th Past

More old shares from this day in history. Well, not history in general, but the history of Ernie (Not Bert). Hard to believe sometimes how long I've been doing this now. The history goes back ten more years past the shares I'm highlighting, but many of those things aren't available to download anymore.


Chimes, chimes, chimes.


Christmas in Montana.


Christmas in Pittsburgh.


Christmas in Pittsburgh, again.


Fun with Frank Luther.


  1. Someday I’ll ask you why you buy two copies of things. I do that too, but in my case it’s cause I’m old and can’t remember stuff.

  2. Buster, there's a lot of that going on. I see something I think is new and exciting, then later discover three copies in the archives. But I also so buy a lot of poor-quality copies of things for cheap. So if I see something in nice shape, I'll snatch it up because it may be better than what I have. It may be cheaper in the long run to only buy nice copies of things, but my life would be far more boring. :)

  3. Thanks Ernie- the Frank Luther collection was one of the best shares of 2020. Thanks for presenting the cleaned up material last season, and mentioning it again today
    -Steve in PA

  4. I think I found another Frank Luther side or two in the IA this year, but I don't know when I'll get around to sharing it. That fellow was certainly prolific! Thanks for the comment!


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