Saturday, December 23, 2023

The Violins

This one is a Cuban orchestra recording in South Florida. Not sure of the date, and kinda hard to tell but maybe one of you sleuths can put a good date on this one for me. The music is nice, I'm sure you'll enjoy it if you give it a chance. This is Los Violines de Pego-Alegre Navidad Con Los Violines de Pego (Teca LIS-651, Stereo).

1. Feliz Navidad
2. Felicidades
3. Blancas Navidades (White Christmas)
4. Hermoso Bouquet (Cantares de Navidad)
5. Navidad Navidad (Jingle Bells)
6. Cha Cha Cha De La Navidad
7. Arbolito
8. De La Montaña Venimos
9. El Guanajo Relleno
10. Somos Boricuas
11. Llego La Navidad
12. Noche De Paz; Hogar Dulce Hogar; Silent Night; Home Sweet Home



  1. Really nice sound on this. Great festive music for wrapping presents! Couldn't find a year for you, but it has to be after 1970, with a cover of Feliz Navidad.
    -Steve in PA

    1. You've bought presents already? I figure that's what tomorrow is for. Everyone else will be done, I'll have the stores to myself! :)

  2. Looks like another fun one to mix things up. Plus another "Cha Cha Cha De La Navidad" which hopefully lives up to its name this time. Thanks and Merry XMas Eve!

    1. I kept trying, but never found a Cha Cha that I really dug. :(


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