Wednesday, December 21, 2022

War, What Is It Good For?

I would like to propose an answer to that age old question: War, what is it good for? Turns out that it might be good for music. It stirs up emotions to the point where they have to be expressed, and that expression frequently becomes music. This batch of Christmas tracks features a few songs about the rigors of war. In most of these cases, the war was Vietnam, but certainly any conflict has it's songs.

1. Becky Lamb-Little Becky's Christmas Wish
2. Bill Lamb-Go To Sleep Little Lamb
3. Derrik Roberts-There Won't Be Any Snow (Christmas In The Jungle)
4. Johnny And Jon-Christmas In Viet Nam
5. Johnny Selph-All I Want For Christmas Is My Baby
6. Johnny Selph-Soldiers' Christmas
7. Marc Copage-Conducted By Jack Smalley-Santa, Bring My Daddy Home For Christmas
8. Marc Copage-Conducted By Jack Smalley-Santa, Please Repair My Toys For Christmas
9. Mission Possible-Bring My Daddy Home For Christmas
10. The Sullivan Family-A Jerry Sullivan Song-Merry Christmas From Vietnam



  1. Your biggest year ever Ernie! Been following along along all year, but the last couple of weeks have made it hard to keep up! Just catching up now. An interesting one here: Derrik Roberts-There Won't Be Any Snow (Christmas In The Jungle). I have this already (maybe from you in the past as I've been hanging around your blog a long time), maybe from the Vietnam Boxed set from a few years ago ... anyway, this has different lyrics! This version is "happier" - in the version I'm familiar with (spoiler alert) the soldier doesn't make it. The version I know seems to be the one out and about on the web - strange, as yours is clearly the 'original" - unless there were two versions kicking around at the same time back in '65. I couldn't find out any more on the web. Maybe one of your other listeners can help. As Scooby would say "it's a mystery"!

  2. Heh, not trying to be anonymous!

  3. Found my own answer - two versions - sold simultaneously. Your happy version far outsold my sad one! Not sure how to attach a picture to the comments, but here's a link to a newspaper clipping.

    1. Huh. Didn't realize that. Not sure I've ever heard of the difference, I just always thought he died at the end. I guess I need to listen more closely. I'm sure I have the version from the box set somewhere... Thanks for hepping me to the jive! Merry Christmas!

  4. Thanks Ernie! You add a lot to my listening pleasure!


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