Friday, December 23, 2022

Christmas All Over The Place-Part 7.25

Well, you have to take the good with the bad, right? And what I'm about to give you is not good. This was recorded in the wake of We Are The World by a bunch of local New Jersey musicians, and they didn't really do a good job of it. Listen at your own risk (but at least it's not more music from France...). This is Why Wait For Christmas? (Mountain 7" 45 RPM MS-001, Stereo, 1985), sung by The Gang From N.J. on one side, and by it's writer, Stewart Brodian on the other. His solo version is better, but it's still not great art. Their heart was in the right place, I'm sure, but not their ears.



  1. This is awful, and I love it. Funny how that works sometimes.


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