Saturday, July 14, 2012


Is it just me, or are the archives at Billboard now impossible to search through Google Books?  Perhaps it's just this crummy Chrome browser...  I'm having a hard time putting dates on things without it.


  1. I went back to Firefox, but when I search, I get results all over the place except Billboard. I must be clicking the wrong button somewhere... :( But it's always worked before.

  2. I did a search on Dick Haymes and got Billboard results. Are you in the Books search? Try the advanced search and select Full view only and Magazines.

  3. Yep, did all that. Even from the Billboard page, yet it gives me results from all sort of other books, but mostly Schwann catalogs (for obvious reasons). I can pull up some of the old pages I've searched, and search from there, but still no go. Something is broken...

  4. Indeed, I've noticed the same issue lately. Very disappointing.


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