Monday, December 18, 2023

One Week Warning

Well, here we are exactly one week out from Christmas! Time is running short and before we run out, I wanted to ask a question. Have you found a favorite share yet? I've thrown up a lot of stuff this season, and I know it can be overwhelming, but if you've had time to give a listen to any of it, what was your favorite? I know that the things I think are going to be popular rarely are, and things I think are great don't get many comments at all. Unfortunately I can't see how many downloads different posts are getting, so I can't tell you what the numbers say, and that's why I'm asking. What did you enjoy and what will you make sure to listen to next season?


  1. I still trying to get through shares from two years ago! And not complaining one bit!

    1. What was two years ago? Was it bundles of 78s from the Internet Archive? That was a good year. :) Good luck getting through all those. I need to take a year or two off to let everybody catch up.

    2. No way! The holiday wouldn't be the same without all these wonderful downloads!

  2. So far, my faves this season include the Four Suns and Anita Bryant albums, plus (naturally) The Midnight String Quartet and Scot Lad Singers rips because I have physical copies of those in my collection. Still working my way through Freddy Cole and the Richard Roberts LP's. The Radio Shack Christmas collection had a handful of good surprises that I liked as well.

    1. Lot of people liked Anita Bryant, I think. Didn't expect that.

  3. The Galliard Brass Ensemble was right up my alley. But I have plenty more to get to.

    1. I certainly shared enough of them to scratch anyone's itch for a while. :)

  4. I'm liking the Reggie LaFaye album. No saxophone gymnastics, just some minimalist melodies. A bit of a niche style . . .

    1. Wow, that's a surprise. I didn't think that album would catch anyone's attention.

  5. Right now it's a tie between the Walt Harper jazz album and the Bobby Duvalle Tijuana album.

    1. I really like that Walt Harper, too. The Tijuanabees all start to sound the same after a while, but they're fun in small doses.

  6. So many great finds this year Ernie, but my favorites are: Venezuela (Nancy Ramos), Daniebelle, Tweed family, Marc Haney, Burke Family, Los Diplimaticos, and Community Renewal Chorus. But my taste might be in question, as I also really enjoyed the Society Threat (lime green) album!
    - Steve in PA

    1. You've got some interesting choices there on your list, but I love them all. Glad you can appreciate some of the things that don't get enough love. :)

  7. So far I especially like the Cincinnati '71 album (would love to find my own vinyl copy of that one) and the Holiday Innovations lp with the two jazz combos (ditto); I'm most looking foward to exploring the Joyous compilation you made of the Senior Concert Orchestra, the red covered Seeberg lp you just posted and "Navidadas Blancas" with the children singing over Sy Mann....

    1. All excellent choices. Well, don't invest too much in the Navidadas Blancas LP... :)

  8. Once again because of work consuming my entire Christmas I'm behind on everything but I have so many great shares to look forward to when I'm done! I'll let you know!

  9. Managed to give a listen to about 40 LPs, 10"s & 7-inchers and enjoyed all of them :) my favorite so far is 17 or 23 young christians

    1. Thanks! That album needs much more love, but I couldn't seem to drum up much interest.

  10. For me, it's the Tweed Family Singers. Listen to Pauline Tweed sing Jesu Bambino. Sadly, she passed away in 2018.

    1. I really didn't think that was going to be a popular record, figured it was just another of the many religious self-produced albums I shared more for the cover than anything else, but it's garnered a lot of comments.

  11. My favorites have been Bob Braun, The US Steel Jazz album. I've been hoping for both of those for ages for a digital copy. Walt Harper is another. I need to catch up on some as well. Any chance you have Kent Findlay Christmas Time In Luckenbach?

    1. All good choices. Had to look up the Kent Findlay LP, no I don't have that but I think I want it. Expensive on Discogs though. And Buster shared out the Ralph Flanagan last year if memory serves, I'm still looking for a copy. No, two years ago...

    2. Nice! thanks for the link! Any chance you have Season's greetings by Les Humphries Singers? Also Freddie Cole was another favorite this year!

    3. I believe the Les Humphries was shared at the 'Fa some years ago.

  12. Hi Ernie,

    I seem to be the oddball in your group of Blog readers. My favorites so far are:
    1. Mala Powers-Follow The Star-A Christmas ADVENTure - oh how I wish there was a follow-up of more stories.
    2. Robert J. Lurtsema-Christmas Stories - oh how I wish...
    3. Ben Zeller-A Visit With Santa Claus

    As you can tell, these are all story related.

    1. Nothing wrong with liking the story records. Some good ones in there. I was pretty happy to find the Mala Powers double album, it turned up just after Christmas last year. And the Alaska record (Ben Zeller) was a fave find this year, it turned up in an actual record store a little over a month ago.

    2. read my comment on the Mala Powers share, But in looking back, I think it was well worth the price. It is quality through and through.


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