Friday, December 22, 2023

Cana-Day, Part 4

Music from Canada, part four. Hope you're holding on tight because it's a wild ride. Up next is another organ extravaganza for Christmas. This is Guy Lemaire-Point d'Orgue Noël (Les Danse Disques-Bec (Canada) DB-6, Stereo, 1976)

1. Noël Blanc (White Christmas)
2. Les Plaisirs D'Hiver (Winter Wonderland)
3. Le Petit Renne Au Nez Rouge (Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer)
4. Quand La Neige Tombe (Let It Snow)
5. Joyeux Noël (Merry Christmas)
6. Vive Le Vent (Jingle Bell)
7. Le Père Noël Arrive Ce Soir (Santa Claus Is Coming To Town)
8. Le Bonhomme Hiver (Frosty The Snowman)
9. Cloches D'Argent (Silver Bells)
10. Promenade En Traîneau (Sleigh Ride)



  1. I never knew there were so many French Canadian Christmas records (although I have posted one or two myself).

    No offense, but I don't think Guy Lemaire, his organ and his helmet hair qualify as a "wild ride."

    1. It's pretty wild compared to some of the stuff I've shared. :)

  2. My father-in-law grew up in 1950-60's Saskatchewan... he was practically baptized in Organ music. I have been saving up Christmas Organ music, just for him... and his lovely wife especially to play on their Anniversary date, which happens to be on "Boxing Day"... which is our family Christmas Day, this year, because of them travelling up to see us... You are so great, Ernie! :)

    1. There should be plenty here for him to enjoy! :)

    2. Yah, on my iTunes, I have over 1100 Christmas Organ tracks, and over 700 Organ & Chimes tracks... without even counting this year's downloads. I haven't had time to give the appropriate genre to most of your downloads yet. Sometime, in the New Year, I will take time to go thru all the recent downloads... like I do every year. When it comes to a new Christmas season, I'm always surprised at the new music I have from (from either the Christmas in July or actual Christmas season :)
      Ernie, I know that you intend for your listeners to listen to the music, when they download, but I generally don't have time.
      You are so awesome though!

    3. You can listen to it whenever you like, I'm just happy that it gets listened to! :)


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