Friday, December 22, 2023

Cana-Day, Part 7

Are you tired of the Can-Con yet? I hope not because I've got plenty more of it coming down the pipe. This next one may not count as Can-Con actually because it's French in origin, but was evidently repackaged for the Quebec market. Enjoy the smooth dulcet tones of Gerard Lenorman-Noëls Du Monde (CBS (Canada) FLS 90427, Stereo, 1976)

1. Noël Perdu
2. Minuit Chrétiens
3. Berceuse A L'enfant Blond
4. Douce Nuit, Sainte Nuit
5. Il Est Né Le Divin Enfant
6. Petit Papa Noël
7. C'est Le Noël Du Monde
8. Les Anges Dans Nos Campagnes
9. La Prière (Le Vous Salue Marie)
10. Mon Beau Sapin
11. Demain C'est Votre Fête A Vous
12. On Oublie Quelquefois De S'aimer (Greensleeves)



  1. Nope, not tired yet! And so far the only one I've heard of has been Lucien Hetu. See? I told you!

    1. I feel like most of them have been Lucien Hetu though...


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