Friday, December 22, 2023

Cana-Day, Part 5

How about some more vocal stuff here for our fifth post of music from Canada? I'm afraid I don't know much about any of the artists I'm posting today, so I'm searching for things to say and failing miserably. I'm just gonna have to let the music do the talking. That's exactly how I felt when I was finding some of these things on Discogs. I was buying stuff based on the cover alone, I had little idea of what I was gonna get. Hopefully you'll be as happy about it as I was. This is John Littleton Avec Les Petits Chanteurs De Saint-Laurent-John Littleton Chante Noël (Select (Canada) SSP-24.203, Stereo, 1968)

1. Minuit Chrétien
2. Stille Nacht
3. C'est Noël Sur Notre Terre
4. White Christmas
5. La Marche Des Rois
6. Noël D'amour
7. Doucement
8. Noël Louisianais
9. Noël Polonais
10. J'entens Dans La Nuit Claire
11. C'est Noël Tous Les Jours



  1. Any singer in a bow tie has to be OK, in my book. Especially if he is accompanied by a troupe of "petits chanteurs."

    1. Tiny Chanters, is that how that translates? I wasn't sure but it sounded about right.


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