Castles Made Of Sand
I was out on Anna Maria Island Sunday looking for stuff to take pictures of, and I happened across a giant sand sculpture at one of my favorite beachfront restaurants. And what was the theme of this sand sculpture, you might ask? Why it was Christmas cartoons! Here's the first set of pictures from the display. I think the sculpture had been made Saturday, and some light rain and thick fog had rounded some of the edges by the time I saw it, but you still get the idea. The first characters I recognized when I walked up were Hermes, the elf who wanted to be a dentist, and his best buddy Rudolph.
Front and center of the sculpture were Snoopy, noted WWI flying ace perched atop his part-time Sopwith Flyer, and a little Charlie Brown Christmas tree. Nice touch.
Not to be left out, there's Frosty the Snowman way up on the top of one end of the sculpture. Happy Birthday!
Last but not least, there's Yukon Cornelius, still looking to strike peppermint by tasting his pick. Some day, Cornelius, some day. More to come...
Nice photos!