Thursday, December 22, 2022

Hoppy Christmas!

I think I need to quit messing about with the blog and do some Christmas shopping. Nah, there's still time. Christmas is on a Sunday this year, so I'll have all day Saturday to find some gifts. But this gift is for you. Here is Buddy Mullins with Easter Eggs On The Christmas Tree b/w Christmas Fit (Instrumental) (Honor 7" 45 RPM HR-1001, Stereo, 1979). Pretty sure the point of the A side is a reaction to some hubbub at the time about permanent Daylight Savings Time, or maybe one of those leap seconds that happens every so often. The guy's not happy about messing around with the clocks and he imagines some pretty dire consequences. Enjoy!



  1. Well, this one sounds peculiar. Good luck with the shopping! Here, it's supposed to be 2 degrees tomorrow with 50 mph winds, so I will not be going out.

    1. We're expecting highs in the 40s on Saturday, that's just crazy for us. :(

  2. Hi Ernie,
    You recently asked what is your favorite song this season, well this is IT. Love it. It is perfect for my ADHD/ADHS.
    I have no idea what they do in the States, but here in Germany WE defiantly hang Easter Eggs on Trees, Bushes, cut branches from the florists, and who knows what else. I also decorate my door with a wreath of white fluffy feathers with colored eggs on it, tacky of course, but it is creative.
    Currently we have a warm spell, at 45 degrees, coming off days of Freezing temps.

    1. I should have known it was a custom somewhere. I've seen eggs decorated up like snowmen and put on the tree, but it was a long time ago when I was little. I think we have made such a thing in school. Thanks for the note, and Merry Christmas to you!

    2. Sorry Ernie,
      Just re-read my comment.
      I had just woken up and was half asleep when I wrote it. I meant to say, here in Germany we hang Easter Eggs on all kinds of Trees, bushes, etc., but we do this at Easter time. Not at Christmas time. But I tell you what, I bet someone somewhere in Germany does it at Christmas too.
      This Christmas in Germany seems to the saddest one yet. I thought Covid Christmas' were sad, but this year...ouch.

    3. I'm late getting back to you, but I hope your Christmas was a merry one, Easter Eggs on the tree or not. :)


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