Not So Sure
Somebody up Tampa way is in the process of building a memorial to Civil War Veterans. They decided it would be a good idea to fly a giant Confederate battle flag on a giant flagpole at the site where they hope to build this. It just happens to be within sight of the intersection of two major interstates just outside of town, I-4 and I-75. At this spot it's seen by tens of thousands of people every day. The spot also happens to be in rural Hillsborough County, so there is very little anyone can do about it, code-wise. Did I mention it's big? Think about the last car lot you drove by, with one of those over-sized flags that are designed to really get your attention because they can't put up a sign that size. It's that big. While I was there shooting some pictures, a sheriff's deputy pulled up and asked me if I was with the group who put up the flag. I explained I was just taking some pictures, and didn't really agree with their flying this symbol that so many people now find distasteful, if not outright offensive. He didn't like my point of view, but we discussed it for a bit. I argued that there is a time and place for such a display, and this might just be the wrong place. Every little town in the South has a Civil War memorial in some downtown square, and I don't think people are offended by that. But a flag that measure 30 feet wide flying by the interstate is probably there for a reason other than to honor anyone who fought in a war that's been over for more than 140 years. Oh, did I mention the nearest exit to this display is Dr. Martin Luther King? Still think it's the most appropriate place? If you're interested, here's a link to a website that's mentioned on a sign near the flag. *Sigh* Perhaps I shouldn't get into this... I am thinking about visiting one of their re-enactments, though, that could provide some great pictures.
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