Thursday, December 27, 2018

Ho Ho Ho (Not Santa)

A rare non-Christmas album around these parts, but I think you'll give me a pass once you give it a listen.  This is for the most part a skiing album, but there are a few winter tunes thrown in for good measure.  I posted this way back in 2011 and it hasn't been back before now.  I re-encoded it for sharing this year, I think it sounds really good.  Over the years I've gotten a few good comments about this one, so be sure you go back and read the comments at that original post. Just for the record, one of these guys went on to perform as The Jolly Green Giant in TV commercials.  I wish I could tell you which one he is, but I notice that two comments call out two different guys as Keith Wegeman, so I'm not sure what to tell you. Interesting stuff here either way.  This is The Wegeman Brothers With The Ray Whitaker Orchestra-Gentlemen Skiers-Ski Songs By The Wegeman Brothers (Raynote RN5008, Mono, 1959).

1. Winter Wonderland
2. Two Boards
3. Wacky Waxer
4. Oola
5. Here's To The Skier
6. Sven
7. Skiers Medley
8. Skiers Lament
9. Under The Take-Off
10. Sun Valley
11. Winter Song
12. Ski Heil



  1. Yeah, there are a few dialect jokes on here. It's probably not PC... But it's not Nazi propaganda, either, if that's what you're wondering.

  2. The note from Mrs. Paul Wegeman in the comments from the earlier share was nice. She posted just in August 2018. Too bad she didn't clear up who was the JGG, though.

  3. Those guys seem to be on the same set of skis. I can't imagine that was an effective way to hit the slopes.


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