Monday, July 10, 2023

Christmas In July 2023-Part 10

Welcome to Episode X! Today features a handful of songs that are more seasonal in nature than Christmas. I figured you needed something to cool you down a bit, it's hot out there. So here are six songs that will make you think of a much cooler time of year.

1. Brian Slawson-Flutes Played By Amy K. Porter-"Winter" From The Four Seasons
2. Shorty Rogers And His Giants-Saturnian Sleigh Ride
3. Tommy Jackson-The King Of The Country Fiddlers-Snowflake Reel (AKA Snowflake Breakdown)
4. The Shawnee Choir-Earl Willhoite, Director-Richard Lindroth, Accompanist-Mistletoe
5. Harpers Bizarre-Snow
6. Jenny Michaels, Vocals & Guitar With Rhythm Band-Skate Between The Trees

How's that sound? Oh, wait, you haven't downloaded anything yet. Download everything, then come back and let me know how it sounds. Here's the link, see you tomorrow!



  1. Nice, diverse collection! Thanks, as always, and don't let the vinyl melt.

  2. Good version of the Randy Newman-penned "Snow" from Harper's Bizarre. A little more of a ballad feel than the excellent mid-tempo interpretation from Claudine Longet that was collected on the A&M/BF Goodrich LP "Something Festive." The singer here sounds like he is singing in the same key as Claudine. Amazing to think that their producer would go on to produce the Doobie Brothers in the next decade.

    1. Forget about the Doobie Brothers, Ted Templeman went on to produce those early Van Halen albums! "Give Us A Break, Dave" is him!

    2. Did not know that about Templeman. Not a fan of theirs. However, "Jump" is one of my favorite songs.

  3. Excellent more modern Big Band Jazz cut from Shorty Rogers.

    1. Probably a stretch to call that a Christmas song, but I'll take what I can get. :)


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