Sunday, July 09, 2023

Christmas In July 2023-Part 9

Part 9, in which nothing very special happens, although there is at least one track that I'm sure will make the annual best-of collection. See if you can figure out which one that is.

1. Father Dave-O Holy Night
2. The Ringing Belles-Rachael Kuivinen, Director-Away In A Manger
3. Brian Slawson-Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring
4. Pasadena Roof Orchestra-Savoy Christmas Medley
5. Jenny Michaels, Vocals & Guitar With Rhythm Band-Footsteps In The Snow
6. Jenson Publications-Fanfare Prelude On Westminster Carol

Give 'em a listen, see what you think.



  1. Hate to hijack a thread but I've only discovered your site today . Have special interest in the FOR HI-FI LIVING series. The inks go to Zippyshare and that site is defunct now.

    I see you're using Mega now. Any plans to upload the Hi-Fi Living series there?

    Love the site already,

  2. My apologies. Upon further inspection I see that you had arlready updated the links for 2020 in the comment sections of each of the volumes.

    I very much appreciate your efforts!

    1. Yes, always check the comments. And it doesn't hurt to search the blog for a newer post. I've been at this for a long time now, and a lot of things have come around for an encore performance.


All comments are greatly appreciated, but replies aren't guaranteed...