Saturday, August 01, 2020

Christmas In July 2020-39

Here's some more Christmas in July for you.  Too tired to talk. Put 8000 records into storage so far this weekend.  They're heavy. Haven't made a dent in the pile yet. :(


  1. That's a lotta records. Be careful of your back!

  2. OMG... I can't imagine how you handle that many records, much less go thru them and extract stuff. Like Buster said, be careful of your back!


  3. EIGHT THOUSAND records moved?? And that's not all?? Imagine how much that would have cost when they were all brand new!! However, if they were new you wouldn't have had to do so much processing to get good sound...mixed blessings and all that......

  4. Whoa! I hope you had some help in moving them, Ernie!!

  5. My back is fine, but my legs are killing me. I went 3 months trying to stay at home to avoid the coronavirus and doing nothing to this. But I gotta do something, all these records are choking me.

  6. The USAF medley was great with some good transitions between songs. Both "ted" tracks were interesting.

  7. Only 8,000 records - I think there's a name for that. Record store.

  8. Over 30K now. It takes time. I think I'm past the halfway point though. :)


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