Thursday, November 29, 2007

Yet Another Sound Of Christmas

Through absolutely no intention on my part, I seem to have recorded quite a few records this season called The Sound of Christmas or Sounds of Christmas. It's a little disconcerting because I didn't even notice it until someone pointed it out to me in the comments. But I'm not one to look a gift trend in the mouth, so here is yet another LP in that same tradition. But first, a little setup. The Medallion label, an arm of Kapp, seemed to be the equivalent of RCA's Living Stereo. Well, maybe not the equivalent, but something similar. A place to showcase high fidelity stereo recordings using state-of-the-art recording methods and sparing no expense in the production and packaging of the resultant records. I've not seen too many records in this series, and was surprised when I found this Christmas contribution. You'll be impressed by the great recording of both the orchestra and the chorus, as well as the interesting arrangements of lots and lots of old chestnuts, bunched together in medley form. I'm a little surprised to have never heard of this recording before, and there's precious little info on the internet. So add this one to your pile of great lost Christmas records. Please download The Medallion Orchestra And Chorus, Directed By John Paul Krance-The Sound Of Christmas-Deck The Halls (Medallion (Kapp) MS-7512, 1960). Please leave me a comment if you can shed any light on the history of this recording. I suppose that holds true for all of my shares, but sometimes I just like to emphasize it...


  1. I love your blog! This is totally made my week.

  2. Very pretty, but those little kids with the flames coming out of their heads gives me the creeps.

  3. Aiee! This is the third potential share you've beat me to the blog with. Though I think I have a different cover for this--I'll check.

    The other two are the Three Suns LP, which I have in stereo (and which I'll gladly trade for any LM 78s you may possess) and the Norman Luboff TV special, which I found a couple months ago at a local Goodwill. I thought it was especially neat. And up it popped on your page.

    Nobody outdraws Ernie in the blogging game (he wrote, using an awkward metaphor).

    I have a terrific LP of silent-movie-related music on the same label. Yes, they really designed the things for snob appeal. For the discriminating LP collector, who deserved better stereo-channel separation than the average buyer.



  4. THanks for all of these great LP shares.

    As a kid we had 2 each of the boy and girl candles as shown on the front of that LP cover. The girl's robe had blue bows and bottoms. My Dad still puts them out on his mantle every year. They've never been lit in over 40 years. I think Woolworth's sold them back then.


  5. Silent movie soundtracks? Ha-ha, Lee, you're a real card.

    I've seen those little candles somewhere. I know there's a credit in the gatefold about the artist who took the picture. I'm sure there was a lot of pressure on the artist to get the shot before their heads melted...


All comments are greatly appreciated, but replies aren't guaranteed...