Monday, December 12, 2005

I'm Hearing Voices

After the instrumental excesses of The Three Suns yesterday, today I'm going to give you some vocalese, courtesy of Walter Schumann. This guy hired some really talented people to sing on here. Go give it a listen and let me know what you think. Here's The Voices Of Walter Schumann-The Voices Of Christmas (RCA Victor LPM-1141, 1955). My fave track on here is Christmas Gift. It made my CD this year. :)

Update: I've made another mistake. Or, a mistake was made somewhere. One of the MP3 files I originally shared out seems to have been corrupt. So the first 129 downloaders need to come back and get the corrected track 9 here. I've corrected the link above, so if you're getting it for the first time, it should be correct. I'm using different software now, so the files are in mono instead of fake stereo, which means they are half the original size. I also don't love the file names not including the artist, but you should be able to figure it out. Let me know if you have any problems with the ID tags, please. Thanks to Deb for finding the problem!

Double update: It's on CD now!!! So no more free download. Go buy this classic LP on CD here.


  1. Your site is just awesome.. Thank you for The Three Suns and this latest LP. Great choices by far..killer site.

  2. Problem is, I keep trying to find way-out titles that no one will download. So far, they all get downloaded. I need to try harder to find really bad stuff. I'm thinking Christmas With The Happy Crickets may be the one, though...

  3. jees.....I'll take that with the happy crickets, we are playing music made with power tools on an upcoming show.....


  4. I LOVE this album. We used to sing to it every Christmas when we were young. I tried the download, but couldn't get all of "Christmas Tree", which is my favorite. Any idea why?

  5. Glad you enjoyed the record. Don't know why the download for Christmas Tree didn't work. Best advice I can give is to try downloading and unzipping the file again. Sometimes funny things happen in the processing of the file.

  6. I tried it twice before commenting. It is the last song on side 1, so was wondering if that had something to do with it.

    I have been looking for this album for a while that's in good condition.

  7. Hmmm, it's says the track is over two minutes long, but it only plays the first minute or so. I'll get a new one up in a few. Sorry about that!

  8. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!! I told my sister that I finally found this album, and she let out a hoot, since she had been looking for it too. This album = Christmas from way back.

    And now the King Family - haven't heard them in years! How do you find this stuff? You must be having a ball!

  9. Thanks for sharing this disc! It has been a classic in our family for many years, especially "Christmas in Killarney." Happy New Year!

  10. Any chance you might re-activate the link to the Voices of Christmas Walter Schumann? I have been looking for it everywhere?

  11. Fantastic! I've been looking for this album forever, they apparently never put it on CD. Great fun, reminds me of childhood, trimming the tree. Thanks, you rock!

  12. i can't download this "christmas tree" song either and have been trying for about 3 hours to get this song...a futile life, i know...any chance it could be emailed to me at thanks!

  13. Michael said....

    I was very excited to see this album, I ahve been searching for it for YEARS... it brngs back very fond memories of Christmas' long ago. Unfortunatetly though I am unable to download this file...any suggestions as to how to do this??

  14. Michael-You have to click on the name of the rcord up there, then follow the instructions of the RapidShare page. Look for a Free Link, then follow the directions.

  15. Ernie -

    First of all thanks for the quick reponse !! I have done all of that on the free link but keep getting the message that download was unsucessful. A box is checked it asks you to identify the letters scrambled in a box, I've typed them in type, goes to anew page and I receive the message down;oead unsucessful with various reasons???? Any suggestions?

  16. Just wait an hour and try again. RapidShare may be having issues.

  17. Michael Said -

    Ernie -
    I gave it a couple of hours and still no luck, I keep getting the error message "download unsucessful". I don't know what else to do...I'll try again at a later date.
    Happy Holidays

  18. Michael Said -

    Ernie -
    I just had to let you know that I was able to download the file. Listening to it has brought back some real fond memories. Thanks so much!

    Happy Holidays !!


  19. Ernie, I just have to ask you if you know of an album or song. It's not a Christmas album... It was a quirky song something about "A Thing" or "A Box" and it appeared or discovered right before my eyes...was part of the lyrics. It isn't much to go on. I would love to find this song because it was a fun song and I remember accidentally breaking the album as a kid , sitting down on it. Please let me know. By the way your Blog is fabulous and I'm truly enjoying it. Keep up the great work!


  20. Michael-You're describing Phil Harris-The Thing. I think there's also a version by Louis Prima. You can get it on several collections by either artist, I think. I only discovered the joys of Phil Harris this paast year. He's great!

  21. Ernie -

    Thanks for the information. I will look for that Phil Harris' album that you mentioned. Happy Holidays.


  22. THANK YOU SO MUCH for the "Voices of Walter Schuman" record -- I've been trying to find that song, "Christmas Tree" all over the place. My dad threw out his old LPs when he moved. My sister is going to DIE when I play it for her on Christmas Eve! We used to sing all the parts...

  23. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! My sister and I have been searching for this album for years, to no avail. I'd bought many cruddy albums, searched lyric sites...nuthin. I had a friend burn the c.d. and played it for her without telling her what it was. She got goosebumps. You've given us a wonderful fieldtrip back to childhood. We'll treasure this forever. Merry Christmas, and thanks again!


  24. Thank you very much, my family will really enjoy this gem from our childhood!

  25. Hi Ernie,
    Thank-you so much for Walter Schumann's "The Voices of Christmas"! It was a gift to our family of 7 kids from my great grandma the Christmas before she died, and was espescially treasured by my Dad. The whole album was a part of our family's Christmas culture. Unfortunately it was lost when my Dad died a few years ago. Now, Fifty-something adults can still resite verbatim the lyrics and voices to "Christmas Tree". Its really neat to see that other family's had this music as part of their culture too while growing up.
    Just curious if anyone has any information on this project? What was the genesis of it? Who were the singers? Etc.
    Thanks again!

  26. Ernie,

    I was THIS close to buying a copy on EBay (auction ends tomorrow) and now I find out it's on CD! Hooray!!

    Have you looked at the description of the CD? Looks like more cuts unless they've broken down medleys.

  27. Two weeks ago I re-recorded the whole thing from a better copy, with the intention of sharing a remastered version this year. But it's still good to have on CD.

    Their track list is screwy. They break down The Christmas Song and (Chesnuts Roasting On An Open Fire) into two tracks...

  28. Ernie -

    Happy Thanksgiving -You said the Walter Schumanns "Voices of Christmas"album is now available on CD...Where can I purchase it? I really would love to get a copy as soon as possible in time for the holidays. You were so helpful to me last year with downloading it.
    Regards -

  29. Michael,

    Thanks for the note. There should be a hyperlink in there somewhere, but just in case, here's the link where you can buy this great CD:

  30. CD Universe has the cd now. I too have been looking for this album on CD for a long time, and own the original album. It's been a huge part of my childhood christmas as well.
    Click on this link:

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I'll try this again, & hopefully you can see the entire link.
    copy and paste this into your browser's address bar:

  33. It's now December 2010. I tried ordering this CD from Amazon AND (I currently have an order in with both sites). Amazon says "In stock - ships in 1 to 2 months" and , after a week long wait and a phone call where the CSR told me they were shipping it yesterday, they now tell me it's not available for an undetermined time. Nice.
    Can someone please send me a download? My Dad's LP is so scratched it just won;t play anymore. It wouldn't be Christmas with Walter! Thanks!

  34. I'm another who grew up listening to this every year at Christmastime. "Christmas Tree" was a personal favorite. As excited as I was to read that it is now available on CD, I was disappointed to discover that "available" is apparently a relative term. Any chance you could re-post the MP3 download links, seeing as how none of the links provide in the posts lead to places that actually carry the CD anymore? It would be much appreciated by many, I am sure.

  35. pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease
    Redo the free download, the cheapest
    this thing gets is on LP and $199.00
    on Amazon...they have 1 for sale.


    I found it on the web after 2 hours of searching! It is in MP3 form, but if you are cool with that and paying by Paypal (I couldn't get the credit card to go through on their site) you can get it and burn your own CD. The link is:

    I wanted to post this as I have been searching for 25 years for this album but never knew the name.
    But of course I knew "is this not a christmas tree?" so after googling that, this website came up. 8 pounds sterling is a heckuva lot cheaper than $200 for some used CD,
    and better than the old album. I just listened to "Christmas Tree" and its perfect. Hope you all can get it downloaded. I'm at if you have any questions or comments. Enjoy!

  37. The CD was made for one year back in 2007 it has been long out of print. It would be nice to find an Mp3 copy of the CD. I know you can buy it on iTunes for 4 buck but it only sold to Canadian's iTunes store.

  38. Hey Tom,

    For some reason that 7digital link took the album down years ago. I bought my digital copy from them before they took it off. I know iTune use to have this but now it only available to UK iTunes store. I made friend with a blogger from Russia he collect old U.S. music an post them on his blog. But I have seen a huge trend a lot foreign country have taken interest this type of music while the U.S.A. doesn't even recognize anymore. It is very sad


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