Sunday, August 07, 2005


Just yesterday I asked you guys about the Vik record label, which appeared to be a subsidiary of RCA Victor, then today I find the LP that this image is taken from. Difusion, I think it's called, with an accent mark over the o that I can't type. I'm not sure, really, since it's all in Spanish. The record is from Argentina, and it appears to be a promotional collection of all their new stuff for 1961. The catalog number is AVL-3335. All the artist have Spanish sounding names, too, so it must be local, or at least non-US musicians. Anyhow, it certainly ties the Vik label in with RCA Victor, the budget reissue label RCA Camden, and something totally new to me called "X". Someone out there has to know something about all this. I'm confused.


  1. Great blog site!! Bookmarked it.

    I have a minka site/blog. It pretty much covers minka related stuff.

    Come see mine if you get time.

    1. Weird. The Minka I know about has nothing to do with ceiling fans. Unless you're on your back, staring at her ceiling. -Organ

    2. Spam that I was too naive about in those early days to remove... :(


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