Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Christmas In July '24-Day 9

Nothing special about day 9 so I'll jump right in. A new gospel track that I think it pretty good for you today, a repeat track featuring the zither, and a possible repeat from some Korean orphans. I'm still not certain if those tracks were repeated on the two Christmas albums they released (and that I shared with you last Christmas), or if they are unique. I'm also not sure if I've shared them with you from this specific LP before. Apparently, I'm not too sure about a lot of things. I've been doing this for too long... Anyhow, here's three songs for you to download and enjoy!

1. Willa Dorsey And The Sanctuary Choir And Orchestra Of First Baptist Church, Dallas Texas, Directed By Gary Moore-Wasn't That A Mighty Day (Spirituals For All Seasons, 1977)
2. Willie Dittrich-Jingle Bells/Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer (The Singing Zither-Christmas Music & Old Time Hymns, 1969)
3. The World Vision Korean Orphan Choir Directed By Soo Chul Chang With Ralph Carmichael And His Orchestra-Silent Night (The World Vision Korean Orphan Choir, 1962)




  1. I knew I was doing this for too long when I started to transfer a record I had already transferred - twice. I can imagine that keeping all those single tracks straight is quite a challenge.

    1. Sometimes the tagging software will finish my album or artist name for me, and then I know it's something I've done before. Happens more than I want to admit.

  2. More good stuff. Thanks, Ernie.

    Willa Dorsey: https://www.discogs.com/release/6842261-Willa-Dorsey-Spirituals-For-All-Seasons

    Willie Ditrich: https://christmaslpstocd.com/Item/WillieDittrich-TheSingingZither-PRP13172

    Korean Orphans Choir: https://www.discogs.com/master/991113-Korean-Orphan-Choir-With-Ralph-Carmichael-And-His-Orchestra-The-World-Vision

  3. Monumental Willa Dorsey!!! Please Ernie post whole album ...

    1. Well, I've got more track coming, but not the whole LP I'm afraid. Enjoy!

  4. Laurie Gee Your Hair Smells TerrificMonday, July 22, 2024 7:58:00 AM

    Really love the gospel track. Enjoying the Willie Dittrich songs and trying to think of other zither Christmas albums - off the top of my head: Ruth Welcome and one I've seen but not listened to, Christmas Dreams by Sebastian's Zither.

    1. I'm sure there a few more in the New Age aisle of the record stores.


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