Monday, October 01, 2007

Oodles Of Doodles CCXC

Here's another great dancing doodle for you, this time from the flipside of Let's Dance With Johnny Long And His Orchestra (Forum SF 9050). I grabbed this one out of the stack tonight to record a track for Halloween. I recorded it, cleaned it up, went to save it, then realized I'd recorded it last year. But I got a better file this time, so I just saved it right over top of the original. There is an illustrator credit on the LP, which I think applies to the doodle. The name is Jerome Martin. Not as good as some of the other stuff I've posted, but not bad.


  1. You're not actually going to share Halloween tracks, are you, Ernie? Are you?

  2. Maybe. Maybe not. Got two really, really good ones, and a bunch of filler. Nothing like Christmas or Christmas in July though...


All comments are greatly appreciated, but replies aren't guaranteed...