Thursday, August 01, 2024

Chanukah In August '24-Day 1

As is tradition, I've got some Chanukah music for you after all of the Christmas music from July. Unfortunately, I've only got one track, and it's a new copy of something I've shared before, but at least it's something. For all of our Jewish friends, enjoy!

1. Unknown Artist-Eight Nights Of Hanukah (Now And Long Ago-Silver Burdett Songs From Music For Living-Album 09)




  1. Hey, an encore! You always do a great job with Chanukah items.

    1. I dunno, I only found one kiddie song and it's a redo of something I've shared before. Chanukah music is hard to find!

  2. Silver Burdett:

  3. Thank you, Ernie :) The last couple weeks were very busy for me... every summer I help run 3 camps, for Disabled Persons. We just finished the second camp on Friday, and then tomorrow, we go out to run the 3rd camp til this Friday. Have a great Autumn, and we look forward to American Thanksgiving and Christmas with you all )

    1. Thanks for finding time in your busy schedule to stop by! :)

  4. Thanks very much, Ernie and best regards.

  5. Hi, Ernie. It's that time of year again where I begin to scour lists of upcoming Christmas album releases scheduled for the end of the year...apparently, the sources you once had as "fellow music enthusiasts" on the right hand side of your page are no longer you have any info about/on any Christmas music blogger that is able to keep up to date on this stuff? Google is a joke when it comes to this, and YouTube isn't much better. Thanks!

    1. Yeah, the landscape has changed. Stubby posts a lot on the 'Fa, but I don't think anyone maintains anything very definitive anymore.

    2. Yah, finding Christmas has been hard, but I'm always looking also :)

    3. Start a blog and share what you find! Or maybe blogs aren't hip anymore. Youtube? Twitter? Always a need for more info. :)

  6. I commented on the first day, and will comment on this one now that I have all the shares downloaded for fall listening. As always, thank you so much for brightening my year with all these shares, and look forward to what else you have in store for us in a couple months, as time permits of course. And, as I have said before, I am one who greatly appreciates the lossless. Thanks so much!

    1. You downloaded them all in a day! It was a short year, not as much music as I would have liked, but I can only share what I find. Enjoy the listen!

  7. With Halloween on it's way, I hope you are doing well, Ernie. I have left a few messages here and there in the past. Your blog (hip as Eff!) helped get me through the pandemic. I was one of those who started at the front and made it all the way to today. I'm not surprised you haven't found much you haven't already shared. THERE'S SO MUCH HERE! It's amazing. I love it. Thank you so much. Thank you, thank you.

  8. Hi Ernie,
    Today is November 1st, The Beginning Of The Christmas Music Season, why no music?
    Hit Parade :-)

    1. Nope, Christmas season begins shortly after the end of the big meal on Thanksgiving. Be there or be square.

    2. In Canada, many people try to wait until after Remembrance Day, before we set up Christmas decorations... as of course our Thanksgiving Day is in the middle of October. That being said, many Filipinos start putting up decorations, and listening to Christmas Music, on September 1st... because as a tradition... the end of the month is ber "brrrr" and I'm not being funny or racist about that. I of course look in about once a month, to see if there is any new activity on Ernie (Not Bert) just cuz ;)
      I can't wait to see what you have for us, Ernie :)

    3. Christmas started showing up here in the US back at the beginning of October, but that's just in retail. Decorations are going up at the mall here in November, and most folks decorate their homes beginning after Thanksgiving. I don't think anyone waits until the week before Christmas anymore...

    4. In many past years, I have seen that Wal-Mart would start selling Christmas decorations right after Labor Day. I don't live close to a Wal-Mart any more so I don't know if they still do that.

  9. I agree, Ernie. Let the anticipation build!

  10. I only allow a few months out of the summer for not playing Christmas music. One day I will just attach a morphine drip and wrap myself in a tree skirt while the ErnieNotBert folder plays on an infinite loop. -Organ

    1. Well, except for the morphine drip, that sounds like a good idea. Unless you're listening to all organ & chime records, then morphine might not be enough...

    2. Great Googly Moogly Ern! Organ and Chime are my JAM, my man!

  11. Hi Ernie,
    Could you please let us know on your first day back, I hope you are back, your address to receive a Christmas card this year. Christmas for me began two weeks before Halloween this year, and decorations began being put up the day after Halloween.
    Enjoy your Thanksgiving and Christmas this year.


      Hey Bryan! I think that link takes you to the address. I not a stalker, just a fan, I SWEAR!


  12. Hi Anonymous,
    Thank you for this link. I knew this address was there within the blog from last year.
    But, since it has been roughly a whole year, anything could have happened.
    Writing from Germany, I just wanted to make sure the address was currently correct.

    1. Yes, that's still my address, but just for the sake of redundancy, here it is again: Mr. & Mrs. Ernie (Not Bert), 3801 Parkridge Circle, Sarasota, FL 34243. Yes, we got married since last year. :)

  13. HI Ernie,
    Thanks for this information.
    I did not want to send anything because you never know what could happen in a year.
    Plus, with all the ??? going on in Florida, and this past election, you might be totally some where else.
    Happiness to your marriage and the two of you.

    1. Hi Ernie and Meredith,
      Finally sent out the card on Monday. Hope you get it by the end of the week.


All comments are greatly appreciated, but replies aren't guaranteed...