Monday, July 29, 2024

Christmas In July '24-Day 29

Day 29, and I'm finally going to bump you up to seven shares in a day. I wish I'd been able to share that much with you every day this month, but it just wasn't in the cards. I think that no matter how much I had to share, I'd always wish I had just a little bit more. Probably a bit of a character fault there, but so be it. Anyhow, with so many tracks, you get a good variety of stuff here. First track is probably the funkiest thing here, in a very seventies, white-bread, trying too hard way. You'll dig it. Some soundtrack music, a sweetly swinging White Christmas, more Christmas for the kiddies, a Nutcracker tune, the second version of the same song from the Belles of Saint Mary's (not their real name unfortunately) and bringing up the rear is a short snippet of a sampler track. I noticed recently that the music software I've been using this year (MediaMonkey) has been dropping in the year as 2024 if I don't have a year entered. Not sure I like that, I'll have to dig into the settings to see if I can tell it to leave it blank if there's no data there. Sorry if that's been messing up your discographical information. This is the first time in many, many years I've not used my old copy of iTunes to do all the final exporting of shares. That's why I was able to give you FLAC files this year in addition to the MP3s. Dunno know if it's worth the trouble, but hopefully some of you appreciate it. Anyhow, I'll stop blathering now, enjoy the music!

1. Mary Macgregor, Steve Brainard And The Edith Norberg Children Singers-Arranged And Conducted By David Karr-The Birth (He Lived The Good Life, 1973)
2. Composed And Conducted By David Amram-Mountain Snow (The Arrangement, 1969)
3. Earle Warren And The Countsmen-White Christmas (Earle Warren And The Countsmen, 1985)
4. Unknown Artist-I Saw Three Ships (Now And Long Ago-Silver Burdett Songs From Music For Living-Album 10 From Book 3)
5. The Cleveland Orchestra, Lorin Maazel Conducting-Dance Of The Mirlitons (From The Nutcracker Suite) (Digital Delights, 1986)
6. Saint Mary's College Women's Choir-Rick Sibley, Director-Vicki Bloome, Accompanist-The Bells Of Saint Mary's (A Saint Mary's Song)
7. Unknown Artist-Night Of Wonder (Choral Sampler For The Music Educator, 1980)




  1. The Edith Norberg Children Singers are funky? I never woulda guessed that.

    1. Well, funky is not the right word. It kinda reminded me of the School House Rock stuff from back in the day.

    2. School House Rock! If only my school had made learning that much fun. Of course now I have Conjunction Junction ear worming me.

    3. You could always hanker for a hunka, a great big slice, a chunka, hanker for a hunka cheese...

  2. ary Macgregor, et al:

    David Amran:

    Earle Warren:

    Silver Burdett Book 10, record 3: Front and back covers

    Cleveland Orch:
    Ebay (better pic):

    Saint Mary’s Choir:

    Unknown Artist-Choral Sampler

    1. Gets a lot harder with more tracks, don't it? :)

  3. The Earle Warren track is real good. He kind of sounds like Wayne King without the shmaltz. Unfortunately, I could not access the Mary MacGregor cut on each filing system; that was the one cut I was really looking forward to listening to out of this batch!

    1. Welcome back, though you'd gone AWOL. Earle Warren was a good one. Did you try downloading the Mary MacGregor, et. al. archive a second time, that's usually the issue with these things, it got garbled or cutoff in the transfer. Anybody else out there having trouble with it?

    2. Thanks! Kind of selective on what I want to listen to, since I have quite a few favorite artists that I look for when I am looking for hard-to-find Christmas music.


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