Wednesday, January 03, 2024

More Christmas From France

One is never enough, so here's another Christmas record from a French artist. Seems like it's half older stuff that was originally issued on 78 and half newer stuff recorded just for this album. It's some really good stuff with a classic sound that I'm sure you'll love, whether or not you're a Francophile. (Francophobes need not apply.) This is Tino Rossi-C'Est La Belle Nuit de Noël... (Pathe Marconi/EMI/Columbia (France) 2 C 062-15640, Electronic Stereo & Stereo, 1974).

1. Petit Papa Noel-Du Film "Destin"
2. Douce Nuit
3. Il Est Ne Le Divin Enfant
4. Petite Etoile De Noel-Du Film "Son Dernier Noël"
5. Le Noel Des Petits Santons
6. Noel C'Est L'Amour
7. Noel Blanc-Du Film "White Christmas"
8. Mon Beau Sapin (Der Tannenbaum)
9. Vive Le Vent-Sur Les Motifs De "Jingle Bells"
10. Noel Des Enfants Oublies
11. Pour Noel
12. Cette Nuit-La
13. La Marche Deś Rois Mages de "L'Arlesienne"
14. Berceuse



  1. Thank you, Ernie. It appears to be the same exact as an album I already had... "Nuit de Noël" by Tino Rossi, on the Angel Records label, in 1955 Otherwise - I'm very thankful though. Today's album has 14 while my other album has 17 tracks :)

    1. I don't see anything by that name from that early or with that many tracks. All of them show 12 that I can see, and the earliest date mentioned is 1966. I'm sure there were earlier issues since the tracks are fake stereo from mono. You should document yours at Discogs if it's different.

    2. Ernie, I stand corrected. What happened was that I must have taken different albums I found, and made one big happy album out of them, and put 17 tracks. Now, I have changed them, with 4 different albums, under what I call one album (divided into 4 different volumes) for the benefit of the fact that I have over 88 days of Christmas music on this particular iTunes, of what I have entitled "Popular Christmas Music". We can delete strain of posting...

    3. It's OK, just trying to verify what's going on. I download lots of albums that don't match the listings I find, and it usually turns out to be something like you described, someone added something without documenting it or segregating it out. Can be really confusing at times.


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